Thursday, November 11, 2010

1 Nephi 11 - Answers to Prayers

 It is extremely difficult to choose one thing from each of these chapters.  There is so much to learn from this book. 

Verse 1 is a perfect pattern for receiving personal revelation.  And we all need personal revelation.  This repeats a pattern we have seen several times already from Nephi - asking to know for himself! (see CH 2 and CH 10).  He always does this!  How does it start in verse 1...After I had desired to know...believing that the Lord was able to make them known unto me...I sat pondering in mine heart.  And then... He has an incredible vision!  A seriously incredible vision.  Possibly one of the greatest visions recorded. 

So what did Nephi do to receive such a thing?  It started with desire.  It was important to him.  He also believed the Lord would give him what he desired.  Belief is connected to faith, though faith is something much more than mere belief.  Finally, Nephi pondered.  Oh how important this step is to receiving guidance from on high.  Moroni's promise at the end of the Book of Mormon (Moroni 10:3-5) exhorts us to ponder on the mercy of the Lord.  That promise is a perfect example of what we see here.  Moroni also reminds us that in order to receive an answer, we must have a sincere heart (desire), real intent (intention to act upon an answer, which will be apparent if we truly desire the thing), and faith in Christ (stems from belief).  Ask (pray) with these characteristics, having pondered on them, then ponder some more in the spirit of prayer.  This an excellent formula, if you want to call it that, for receiving answers to prayers.  I'm not going to guarantee you will receive a vision like that of Nephi's, but you will dramatically increase the likelihood of you having some kind of revelatory experience. 

If you don't know Book of Mormon is true, apply this pattern.  But you have to be willing to act upon an answer.  I have applied this pattern myself in different situations, and I know it works.  God answers in His own way, in His own time, but He does answer.  To quote another excellent verse from chapter 11, "I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do no know the meaning of all things."  Our Heavenly Father does love us, and is anxious to give us personal revelation to guide us in our lives.  I bear testimony of this. 

Excellent Talk on Personal Revelation

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